Brenna Miles – Iceberg Web Design Tue, 10 Mar 2020 19:28:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Brenna Miles – Iceberg Web Design 32 32 How to Write a Compelling About Page (Hint: It Isn’t a Bio) Mon, 28 Oct 2019 21:13:41 +0000 Let’s start this out with a bold claim: your resume isn’t what potential customers want from your About page. Sure, your work history and experience matter to what you do in your business. But they’re not always the deciding factor for whether your potential customers decide to work with you. That’s why your About page […]

The post How to Write a Compelling About Page (Hint: It Isn’t a Bio) appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Let’s start this out with a bold claim: your resume isn’t what potential customers want from your About page. Sure, your work history and experience matter to what you do in your business. But they’re not always the deciding factor for whether your potential customers decide to work with you.

That’s why your About page shouldn’t be your bio.

If It’s Not a Bio, What Is an About Page?

Just like every part of your website, your About page is not about you: it’s for your customer. An About page should communicate what it is you do and why you do it. In addition, it should explain why all of that matters to your customers and how you’ll help them solve their problems.

Your About page should include elements such as:

  • The audience you serve
  • Your processes
  • The things that separate you from your competition
  • Your benefit statements

5 Tips for Writing a Compelling About Page for Your Website

Your About page should connect with your ideal customer and compel them to reach out to you. Here are some of our best tips to do just that.

1. Tell a Story

The best way to connect with your audience is to tell them a story. For example, tell the story (the short version of course) of how your company began. Or, explain in narrative form what inspires you to do what you do each day.

Your About page is a great place to really showcase your unique personality. Take advantage of it.

2. Highlight Your Values

Your business values are the foundational beliefs that guide your business. And did you know that 63% of surveyed consumers prefer to purchase products and services from companies that stand for a purpose that reflects their own values and beliefs?

Telling your potential customers what you believe in furthers the connection between you and your audience. Weave your values throughout your About page.

3. Communicate Your USP

Your USP is your unique selling proposition. It’s what makes your business stand out from the rest. Your About page should clearly communicate your USP to your audience, whether in the form of a statement or throughout your copy.

4. Harness the Power of Testimonials

A whopping 95% of consumers read online reviews and testimonials before making a purchase. Without testimonials, you run the risk of losing valuable conversions. Harness the power of the testimonial by placing them throughout your About page copy.

5. Don’t Forget to Add the Call to Action

What’s a compelling About page without a next step? What do you want to compel your audience to do? Be sure to add a call to action (CTA) that tells your audience exactly what to do next. This can be giving you a call, reaching out via email, filling out your contact form or downloading a free resource.

Website Content Not Connecting With Your Audience?

Even with a new About page, are you still not receiving hot, fresh leads? It might be a lack of connection in the content in other areas of your website. To learn more about your About page or creating copy that connects, send us a message.

The post How to Write a Compelling About Page (Hint: It Isn’t a Bio) appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Nothing to Write About? Here’s How to Create New Website Content Anyway. Mon, 30 Sep 2019 13:00:37 +0000 Imagine sitting down at your desk after blocking time out of your schedule to create content, only to stare at a blinking cursor. Maybe you don’t have to imagine it at all. Hey, we get it. Writing can prove a frustrating experience, especially when you have so many other things to do and you can’t […]

The post Nothing to Write About? Here’s How to Create New Website Content Anyway. appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Imagine sitting down at your desk after blocking time out of your schedule to create content, only to stare at a blinking cursor.

Maybe you don’t have to imagine it at all.

Hey, we get it. Writing can prove a frustrating experience, especially when you have so many other things to do and you can’t seem to find one good word to put on paper (or screen). The good news is this: all you need are a few hacks to get you back to creating awesome website content again.

Don’t Just Ignore the Need to Create Fresh Content

Although it’s easy to make excuses and place content creation on the back burner, fresh content is key for a successful online presence. Why?

  • You could be missing 55% more website visitors simply by not blogging.
  • Content marketing (blogging, social media, etc.) generates 3 times as many leads as traditional marketing. (Yes, 3 times!)
  • About 81% of your customers may think less of your brand if your website isn’t up-to-date.

Plus, content quality is a huge ranking factor on Google. We know that out-of-date content is not high quality. We also know it isn’t valuable for readers.

In, sum, what you publish directly impacts your visibility in search and your impact on the people who choose to visit your site.

5 Creative Hacks to Generate New Website Content Ideas

The content you publish on your website can take many forms such as blog posts, new website pages, lead magnets and more. To start generating new content ideas, you can use these creative hacks.

  1. Repurpose what you have: You already have content on your website ripe for repurposing. For example, take a blog post and create a new one that goes even deeper into the topic. Or, take the blog posts you’ve written about a topic and create a guide to use as a lead magnet.
  2. Look to your customers: What questions do your customers typically ask? Write about them. You can also look at the comments on your social media posts or blog posts for ideas. Or you can send out a survey that allows your customers to tell you exactly what kind of content they wish to see.
  3. Use writing prompts: Conduct a quick online search for writing prompts that can help you think outside of the box. We love these prompts by Copyblogger.
  4. Dig around the internet: Visit online forums such as Reddit or Quora and type in your business niche or a topic. You’ll find all kinds of questions and discussions you can use to inspire new content. We also enjoy using Answer the Public to generate new writing topics.
  5. Create content in another medium: Do you have a fascinating blog post that your customers love? Turn it into an infographic. Do you have a podcast? Transcribe them into written content. Create a video. Create a printable guide. The sky’s the limit here.

Feeling Stuck? We Can Help You Get Out of the Rut.

We won’t say creating content is always easy, but you don’t have to do it alone. If you find yourself stuck in a content rut that you can’t get out of, send us a message.

The post Nothing to Write About? Here’s How to Create New Website Content Anyway. appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Typography: What It Is & Why It’s Important for Your Website Tue, 27 Aug 2019 19:37:53 +0000 Potential customers that visit your website won’t waste their time on poor design. In fact, it only takes 0.05 seconds for users to form an opinion about whether they’ll stay on your website or go. Even if you get past those milliseconds, 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or […]

The post Typography: What It Is & Why It’s Important for Your Website appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Potential customers that visit your website won’t waste their time on poor design. In fact, it only takes 0.05 seconds for users to form an opinion about whether they’ll stay on your website or go. Even if you get past those milliseconds, 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive.

It’s up to you to wow them from the get-go using your website’s design. One of the best ways to communicate your message is through great typography.

The Absolute Basics of Typography

To put it simply, typography is the art of placing type on a page. This art includes arranging text to be both readable and attractive while enhancing the entire style of a design.

To make typography easier to grasp, here are some basic terms you should know:

  • Font: Perhaps the most common term, a font is the design of the letters within a typeface. For example, Calibri, Comic Sans or Papyrus.
  • Typeface: A typeface is a collection of these fonts in the same family. For example, Arial Black and Arial Narrow are both Arial fonts in the same typeface.
  • Size: The fonts within each typeface will have certain size differences such as width. The size of a font will directly impact how it looks on a page.
  • Hierarchy: Font choice can help you create hierarchy on a page, which directs the eye toward the most important information. For example, headers set apart with bigger and or separate font styles can catch the eye and keep visitors scrolling through your copy.

Why Is Typography Important for Your Website?

Why do all of these random definitions matter? The words you place on your website can make the difference between a new customer and another visitor added to your bounce rate. Although it’s a strong claim, the way the words look on your website really do hold that power.

Distracting Websites Are Useless Websites

Using many different fonts and font colors on your website will distract your visitor. Additionally, they make it incredibly difficult for your visitor to gather information, which is why they came there in the first place.

The Fix

Choose a simple typography scheme for your website that includes two to three fonts. For example, you might choose one main font for headers and two supporting fonts to use for body copy and for emphasizing text on the page.

This is also a great opportunity to play with a font’s typeface to see which one works best for your website’s design.

Content That’s Hard to Read Turns Visitors Away

Readability matters. Fonts that are too small or blocks of text that cover the entire page are difficult to read, which turns visitors away fast.

The Fix

Remember hierarchy? This is where it comes into play. Use your headings and subheadings to break up the text on your page. Plus, make sure you’re using the absolute minimum font size of 16 for your body copy.

Typography Communicates Your Brand

The entire design of your website communicates who you are to your readers; typography is a huge part of that design. When a visitor lands on your website only to find fonts and type that don’t fit, they become confused about who you are.

The Fix

Use fonts that fit your brand’s message. For example, a creative business might use script fonts or more decorative styles. Yet, an attorney might want to stick with a professional font such as those found in the serif family. If you do use a decorative font, remember to do so sparingly.

What Message Do You Want to Communicate On Your Website?

Typography and the other style elements on your website communicate your brand and your overall message to your audience. Is your design saying what you want it to say? If not, send us a message.


The post Typography: What It Is & Why It’s Important for Your Website appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Writing Your Own Website Copy? Get It Done With These Tips Tue, 21 May 2019 15:40:05 +0000 You’ve discussed scope and design and now your web development project is underway. Now, your web developer is asking you to provide the website copy for the pages on your website. You have two options: hire a professional copywriter or do it yourself. If you choose to write your website copy yourself, it’s important to […]

The post Writing Your Own Website Copy? Get It Done With These Tips appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Man With Laptop And Notebook

You’ve discussed scope and design and now your web development project is underway. Now, your web developer is asking you to provide the website copy for the pages on your website. You have two options: hire a professional copywriter or do it yourself.

If you choose to write your website copy yourself, it’s important to understand that time is of the essence. Your web development project depends on the timely delivery of your copy. It’s time to get to work.

Common Web Writing Hurdles & How to Get Over Them

Uh-oh. It’s that dreaded blinking cursor. That, along with the following, can cause hurdles that may seem insurmountable at first.

Have no fear—we have some solid tips to help you get past the top web writing hurdles that often get in the way of our clients completing their projects.

1. Web Copy That Sounds Nothing Like You

When you’re so close to your business, it’s easy to start overthinking everything—even the words on your website. You may start trying too hard, resulting in detached copy that sounds nothing like you. Don’t worry, though; it’s fixable!

  • Lose the jargon. Even though you’re an expert in your field, you don’t have to use industry jargon to solidify that fact. Plus, your audience won’t connect with words they don’t understand. Keep it simple instead.
  • Write like you talk. Your web copy should be conversational. Write the way you talk to ensure your authentic and unique voice shines through.
  • See your audience as your friend. How do you talk to a trusted friend? Your audience will better connect with copy that feels like it’s coming from someone they already know and like. Don’t be stuffy, be relatable.

2. Fear of Writing About Yourself

It’s common to struggle when it comes to talking or writing about yourself. Here’s a little secret that may help you get past this one: Your site’s not about you. Your web copy is for your audience. Although it’s your business, look at your copy through the eyes of your customer.

What do they need to know? What answers do they need? Taking this perspective will remove the pressure, allowing you to focus on serving your audience.

3. The Big Lie of “No Time”

We often trick ourselves into believing we don’t have time to do the things we need to do because we simply don’t want to do them. But for your website to move forward, writing copy is a must. That’s why it’s important to make the time.

  • Set goals. Chances are there’s a deadline for your copy if you’re working with a web developer. Take some time to set actionable and attainable daily and weekly goals to help you finish your copy. Don’t forget to reward yourself, too! Incentives can go a long way in helping you complete projects like these.
  • Schedule time for writing. Treat writing time each day as an appointment and schedule it like you would other tasks or meetings. Try your best to carve out an hour or two each day to complete your project.
  • Set an alarm, reminder or notification. After you schedule your writing time, go ahead and set an alarm on your phone or schedule an email reminder to ensure you’re pulled in on time—and that you stop on time.

How to Beat Writer’s Block & Get Back to Writing

Even business owners who jump the big hurdles deal with the occasional writer’s block. It’s best to keep a few tips up your sleeve for when you need a quick dose of inspiration as you write your copy.

  • Eliminate distractions. It’s hard to focus on writing when your phone is chiming, or your email is growing right in front of your eyes. As you write, eliminate your distractions by closing your browser and silencing your phone.
  • Stay inspired. What inspires you? Whether it’s a photo of your kids, soft music, or the outdoors, surround yourself with what inspires you. Inspiration always jumpstarts creative thinking—the enemy of writer’s block.
  • Change your environment. Try going to your favorite coffee shop or take your writing outside. Changing your environment breaks the cycle you’re in, often breaking thoughts free.
  • Take a breather. If you’re struggling, it’s okay to take a break. Take a walk around the block or sit and do a few deep breathing exercises.

Great Websites Depend on Compelling Copy

As you sit down to write the copy for your website, you may experience some hurdles that look too big to jump over. After all, “you’re not a writer.”

The truth is, though, you don’t have to be an award-winning writer to create compelling copy for your website. All you need is some good advice and a solid plan of action.

To learn more about the importance of website copy or for help writing yours, send us a message.

The post Writing Your Own Website Copy? Get It Done With These Tips appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

How to Best Prepare for Website Content Success Fri, 22 Feb 2019 18:44:51 +0000 Have you decided to take your business to the next level by creating the perfect website? No website is complete without copy that connects with your target audience. Have you decided to have professional copy written for your website? Then a small amount of preparation will help ensure your website content truly connects and converts. […]

The post How to Best Prepare for Website Content Success appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

wood desk with computer, notebook, coffee cup, and plantHave you decided to take your business to the next level by creating the perfect website? No website is complete without copy that connects with your target audience. Have you decided to have professional copy written for your website? Then a small amount of preparation will help ensure your website content truly connects and converts.

3 Steps to Take to Prepare for Website Content Success

More than half of all projects fail due to a breakdown in communication. As your new website copy is being developed or existing copy refreshed, all parties involved should be on the same page. How can you make this happen? By following three simple steps before you even get started.

1. Seek Out Your Internal Team

It’s important to assemble the internal team responsible for your project. This team will include key decisionmakers as well as those who will be responsible for content management in the future. You’ll need input about your unique voice, the tone you’ll want to use and more, so assemble a team you can trust.

Often, teams consist of business owners, stakeholders, marketers, project managers, etc. Assembling a team will ensure communication is consistent and the opinions that matter are showcased at all times.

It’s also important, however, that you identify one key player on your team who will manage communication with your copywriter and website developer. This will streamline communication and also help in ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

2. Schedule a Planning Session

Next, schedule a planning session for your new internal team. During this planning session, you’ll create a strategy that will help you communicate your needs to the content team. Used as a time for discovery, discuss your goals for your new website and the main messages you want to communicate.

If you have a current website, also take time to discuss where you might be falling short. Do you have copy that falls flat? Does it sound like someone else’s voice rather than yours? Focus your attention on these areas first.

3. Gather Important Business and Brand Assets

You’ll want to gather all of your business and brand assets to help with your content. This may include a wide range of assets such as your brand guide, mission and vision statements, product listings, target customer avatar, etc.

You can never have too much information when it comes to your website project. If you believe it might be helpful, put it in your file for safekeeping and reference. This information will help your copywriter create accurate copy that rings true to your business, while emphasizing your unique voice.

Are You in the Website Content Prep Stage?

It can be overwhelming to prepare for new website copy without understanding the bigger picture of your project. But you can’t skip the prep work and also reach website success. To learn more about how to prep for content success, send us a message.

The post How to Best Prepare for Website Content Success appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

SEO & Content: Are Keyword Lists Still Useful? Tue, 13 Nov 2018 18:14:28 +0000 Researching the perfect keywords for your website content takes time. And then writing SEO content with keywords in the right places takes even more time. Then, after all that, we can often be left scratching our heads thinking, “Why isn’t this working? After all, my keywords are there, why isn’t my rank?” A little bit of […]

The post SEO & Content: Are Keyword Lists Still Useful? appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Researching the perfect keywords for your website content takes time. And then writing SEO content with keywords in the right places takes even more time. Then, after all that, we can often be left scratching our heads thinking, “Why isn’t this working? After all, my keywords are there, why isn’t my rank?

A little bit of research will tell you that Google no longer focuses on keywords alone and that high-quality content is the way to go. Suddenly, all that hard work seems to go down the drain…or does it?


Focusing on Keywords Alone is a Bad Idea

There used to be a school of thought that said stuffing your website content full of keywords would improve your rank. Back in the early 2000’s, that was often the case. But now, Google and other search engines are too smart; they can see right through this tactic.

Focusing on keywords alone leads you to create thin content for the sake of improving your rank. This content does littleto-no good for your audiencethe same audience Google wants nothing more than to assist. What used to attract search engines now deflects it, destroying your rank in the process.

SEO and Content: It’s a Partnership

Does this mean that keywords are a thing of the past? No! Instead, SEO and content must go handinhand in a beautiful partnership. Google’s process on how search works says this:

“Put useful content on your page and keep it up to date.”

The keyword here (no pun intended) is “useful.” If you can create content that is useful and meaningful to your reader, the rest will fall into place.

For example, think about your blog. Content that is written to benefit your reader and teach them something that relates to your niche will have at least some of your keywords appearing naturally. You won’t have to force it. (The forcing is what causes Google to see warning signs, the same warning signs that hurt your rank.)

Supplement, Don’t Stuff

When you write content, you should aim to add value to your reader’s life. Keyword research gives you much-needed insight into what your audience is searching for. You can use your keyword list to supplement your content instead of stuff it. For example:

Use your keywords to describe your website in search. Use your keywords in your meta descriptions on your website to help Google understand what your website is all about. These are often used as snippets for your pages in search results.
Use your keywords to improve crawling. Google will crawl your website to help index it for search-result purposes. Use your keywords in your page headings and blog headings as well as in your page titles if it makes sense. You can also use your keywords in your photo alt text when appropriate.
Use keywords to speak directly to your target audience. Your keyword research will be useful in determining the content your reader wants. Find what they’re searching for and write content that fits.

There are many other uses of keywords when it comes to technical SEO. If you’re interested in truly improving your rank—and doing so fast—hiring an SEO specialist is the best route to take.

Need Some Content Help? Call Us!

Your SEO strategy and content are the peanut butter and jelly of your website conversion sandwich—you simply can’t have one without the other. If you find yourself struggling to make both your SEO and content happen, reach out to our team at Iceberg Web Design by sending us a message.

The post SEO & Content: Are Keyword Lists Still Useful? appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

How to Write Eye-Catching Headlines for Your Website Content Thu, 11 Oct 2018 17:00:15 +0000 It’s one thing to write website content that’s interesting and communicates your brand’s message—it’s another to grab your reader’s attention. That’s where well-written headlines come in. Eye-catching headlines are critical to your content’s success, and they’re sometimes an art form to create. The Importance of a Good Headline Your very first headline—your blog title or […]

The post How to Write Eye-Catching Headlines for Your Website Content appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

middle aged man, with pen scratching head while looking at a note pageIt’s one thing to write website content that’s interesting and communicates your brand’s message—it’s another to grab your reader’s attention. That’s where well-written headlines come in. Eye-catching headlines are critical to your content’s success, and they’re sometimes an art form to create.

The Importance of a Good Headline

Your very first headline—your blog title or H1—grabs your reader’s attention when seen in search engine results. It must stand out from the rest to get that all-important click through to your website or blog.

Also, did you know that 55% of visitors read your blog articles for 15 seconds or less? And your website content is read for less time than that. Good headlines strewn throughout your content helps readers who skim find what they’re looking for easily and quickly.

5 Catchy Headline Writing Tips and Tricks

Writing catchy headlines for your content doesn’t have to be hard. All it takes is a little bit of strategy and a lot of creativity.

1. Accuracy Is Key

A flowery headline that works as “clickbait” for your audience won’t do any good for conversion. Although you want to grab your reader’s attention, it’s important to stay accurate. Use your headline to quickly state what the content to follow is about. Whether it’s a blog post or a section of website content on your Home page, make sure your reader knows exactly what they’re getting ready to read.

2. Now, Make it Pop

Accuracy doesn’t have to mean “blah”. Once you state what your content is about, now it’s time to make it pop. You have the freedom to be creative, using tactics such as:

  • Strong words: Use strong words such as “fascinating” to add flair to your headline. Remember to use these words in moderation.
  • Use visual tools: According to HubSpot, headlines that feature the word “photo” performed 37% better than headlines without the word. If you use photos within an article or blog, make it known in your headline.
  • Keep it short: Long headlines are tedious to read and understand. Remember that long titles will be cut short in search engine results. So, keep your headline short and simple, focusing on delivering the topic quickly with personality.

3. Consider Your Audience

If one thing is true, it’s this: your audience should be the reason behind most of your content decisions. When it comes to your headlines, make sure you consider what your audience will be looking for. Headline preferences will differ between different demographics such as age.

4. Optimize

For search engine optimization purposes, your content should have a focus keyword that helps explain the topic. That focus keyword should be placed in your heading in a natural way. For example, the focus keyword for this blog post is website content. That keyword is in the title and necessary for you to understand what this blog is about.

5. Get Inspired

What headlines catch your eye? As you’re scrolling through Google, take note of the headlines you often gravitate to and save them. Whatever you do, don’t copy! Instead, use those headlines as inspiration for your own.

Still Need Some Help? Call Us!

Are you struggling to write headlines that make sense and catch your audience’s eye? Want to take your website to the next level? We can help! Reach out to our team at Iceberg Web Design by calling 763-350-8762 or send us a message online.

The post How to Write Eye-Catching Headlines for Your Website Content appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

How to Write Engaging, Creative & Effective Team Bios Tue, 18 Sep 2018 14:30:19 +0000 Your website is the perfect place for potential clients or customers to get to know you more. From your products to your mission and values, it’s all showcased in one place. To start the new relationship off right, now is the best time to introduce yourself to the reader, complete with a friendly face. Your […]

The post How to Write Engaging, Creative & Effective Team Bios appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Your website is the perfect place for potential clients or customers to get to know you more. From your products to your mission and values, it’s all showcased in one place. To start the new relationship off right, now is the best time to introduce yourself to the reader, complete with a friendly face.

Your “Meet the Team” or “About Us” page should showcase biographies about your team to help your reader learn more about you and to put a face to your name. Your bio page turns your website into a personal experience, fostering a relationship without any communication at all.

Why Do You Need Team Biographies On Your Website?

You might think you can get away with not having your team showcased on your website, and a lot of businesses do. However, would you feel more comfortable purchasing something from a friend, or a stranger? A bio page can have a lot of positive effects on your business including:

  • Increased reliability: Your “About” page is one of the first places your reader will go to get more information about you and your business. If you don’t have one, this decreases your reliability, making your reader think you might have something to hide.
  • Talent visibility: The best part about team biographies is the ability to showcase each type of talent on your team. The more talent you can showcase, the easier it will be for your reader to trust you to fill their need.
  • Enhanced competitiveness: Chances are, your reader is looking for a specific product or service and has probably perused other businesses too. If you want to be remembered and stand out from the rest, a creative team bio page is a great way to do it.

Elements of the Perfect Team Bio

You have some creative liberty when it comes to writing your team bios, but there are a few elements that are complete must-haves.


Teams with multiple members will benefit from a bio page with photos for each individual. This helps to showcase each separate talent and helps your reader get to know each face. Make them professional, but feel free to have some fun with posing, clothing, etc., whatever fits your brand best.

Name and Title

Each bio should feature the name and title of your team member. You can also add a role here, helping your reader understand what their title means in layman’s terms.


This is the meat of your bio and should focus on education, background in the field and unique talent. Where did your team member go to school? How many years of experience do they have? What unique talents do they bring to your team? Add in any industry-related accomplishments and awards, solidifying their experience.


Each team member is an individual. Use their unique personality to add some flair to each bio. Add some personal details such as what they enjoy doing in their spare time, what inspires them or a fun fact. Bios don’t have to be stuffy to be professional.

Ready to Take Your Website to the Next Level?

Are you ready to take your website to the next level? Want some creativity put into your “About” or “Meet Our Team” page? We’ve got you covered. Reach out to us at Iceberg Web Design by calling 763-350-8762 or send us a message online.

The post How to Write Engaging, Creative & Effective Team Bios appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Essential Elements You Should Have on Your Contact Page Fri, 17 Aug 2018 16:00:42 +0000 Everyone’s always talking about how your Home, Services and About pages are critical website real estate for your business. However, if you’re using these pages to convert, clear calls to action on those pages will lead to your Contact page. It is your Contact page that often leads to your first contact with a prospective […]

The post Essential Elements You Should Have on Your Contact Page appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Everyone’s always talking about how your Home, Services and About pages are critical website real estate for your business. However, if you’re using these pages to convert, clear calls to action on those pages will lead to your Contact page. It is your Contact page that often leads to your first contact with a prospective customer. Make sure you put your best foot forward by creating the perfect Contact page.

Elements of the Perfect Contact Page

Did you know that the Contact page is one of the most-visited site pages for most companies? Because of that, your Contact page deserves the same love and care that your other pages receive. And it is essential to include the following elements on your page.

Answer This Question: Why Should I Contact You?

Why should that potential customer contact you? What’s in it for them? Start your Contact page by answering this question simply. Quickly describe what problem you can solve in exchange for your prospect’s information.

Include a Short Contact Form

Your contact form should be short while still gathering important information that will help you identify who’s contacting you. Long forms will turn your visitors off to contacting you at all. In fact, forms with over six fields only have a 15% conversion rate. Keep it simple!

Include Multiple Methods of Contact

Although the contact form is important, you should include other methods of contact. Add a contact email address and a phone number for those who need information fast. Plus, visitors like to have options.

You’ll also benefit from adding your social media accounts to your Contact page. This way, visitors are able to engage with you outside of your website.

Tell Your Visitor Where to Go Next

Even if your visitor doesn’t want to complete your form, they should still have a next step that keeps them perusing your website. Clearly tell them where to go next by adding a call to action.

Showcase Your Contact Page, Don’t Hide It

Your website visitors—current customers, potential customers, employees, referral partners and more!—are looking for your Contact page for a reason. Perhaps they need your number to call to pay a bill. Or perhaps they don’t want to sift through a ton of copy to find a form or a phone number. Either way, showcase your Contact page instead of hiding it.

Placing your Contact page link at the bottom of their website. For visitors who are looking for a quick way to reach out, this is inconvenient. Give your visitors the best experience by keeping your contact information front and center, easy to reach. The best bet? Top, right-hand corner of your website’s design.

Need Help Building a Contact Page for Your Business?

Is your business website in dire need of a new and improved Contact page? We’re here to help! Reach out to Iceberg Web Design today to get your project started. Give us a call at 763-350-8762 or send us a quick message.

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Why You Should Hire a Professional to Write Your Website Content Tue, 19 Jun 2018 17:04:43 +0000 Guest blog post by Brenna Miles, Custom Content Solutions – Your website is prime internet real estate for your business. And even if you have the perfect website design, words matter. They should tell the story of your brand, why you do what you do, and how your products or services will truly benefit your audience. […]

The post Why You Should Hire a Professional to Write Your Website Content appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.

Guest blog post by Brenna Miles, Custom Content Solutions –

Your website is prime internet real estate for your business. And even if you have the perfect website design, words matter. They should tell the story of your brand, why you do what you do, and how your products or services will truly benefit your audience. Your words should connect and convert.

And while they’re important, words are also hard. How do write the right way? How do you connect with the right audience? How do you just get it done already?

The solution lies in hiring a professional website content writer—one with a strategy, who understands the importance of your content and who can execute the magic in a timely manner.

Still, think you can—or should—write your content yourself? We encourage you to reconsider if you see yourself in the descriptions below.

You Don’t Know How to Write About Yourself

In any job interview, there is the dreaded statement, “Tell me about yourself.” If you’re like most people, this causes an immediate sense of panic and overwhelm. Of course, you know who you are, and you know what you do, but you just don’t know how to put it into words.

A professional copywriter can see things from an outside, fresh perspective. They get to know your voice and what makes you, you. Then, they write copy strategically, so it makes sense for search engines while ensuring the copy keeps its personal touch, maximizing your website’s reach and effectiveness.

You Don’t Know How to Write for Your Ideal Client

Your products or services are built for a specific, ideal client that would benefit the most. The key to writing website content is to speak directly to that ideal client, the one who will truly connect with what you’re offering.

A professional copywriter takes the time to research and discover who your ideal client is, to understand the questions they want answered and the content they want delivered. This creates content that is tailored specifically to those who are most likely to engage and convert into paying customers.

You Don’t Know How to Write for the Web

The internet is a breed all its own. When it comes to whether your website is found among the millions, search engines reign supreme. Your website content must be written strategically for the web, focusing on optimization and quality.

Professional copywriters understand SEO (search engine optimization) and how content quality affects your search engine ranking. They keep up with all the changing algorithms and ensure you receive the best-optimized content.

You Don’t Have Time

Quality takes time. It takes dedication. It takes work. As a business owner, you may already be spread thin among other activities, causing you to use content that is subpar. This type of content hurts your website worse than no content at all.

If you do not have time to dedicate to quality content creation, a professional is a perfect option. They make your content a priority while working efficiently, turning around your projects in a timely manner. Hiring a professional copywriter to focus on your content allows you to focus on what is most important—your business.

Does This Sound Like You? We’re Here to Help

We understand how hard it can be to create great website content. Let us help! For a professional website design that comes packaged with professional website content, call the Iceberg team at 612-440-8762 or reach out to us online.

The post Why You Should Hire a Professional to Write Your Website Content appeared first on Iceberg Web Design.
